
Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on February 23, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Everything  and  everyone  is  a  gift  of  GOD   so  is   my will .

If  I keep  everything   and  give  my will back  to GOD,

God  will  grant me  faith.

If I  humble myself, God  me  give me  HIS   will.

If I  understand  GOD’s  will , Goid  will  grant me the motivation  to get started.

to  do  HIS  will.   When  I  will  do  what  GOD   want me to  do.

GOD will  grant me  HIS  LOVE

If  I  will  have  GOD’s Love   devil  will  surrender to me  and  turn into lucifer  and  this  world  will

heaven  again


2/21/2017 Healing Tip of the day

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on February 20, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

school of true knowlege isa  spirtual   organization  not an organized religion.

School of true knowledge is a beautifully unorganized organization,

helped  me  to get  organized .

By  Sierra Martin

For  more  healing  tips  Please  go  to


Universal  antidote  to all  ailments


Love= Prayer + Patience

Strength  depend upon  the  purity of the ingredients)

Indications: Found  to be very affective  against multiple mental

physical emotional  and  spirtual ailments

Side  effects   none reported  yet



Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on February 19, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

When  I  reflect   I  realize  that  I  was  and  am  my  worst  enemy .

1  am   now  100 %   sure  of  this  fact

I balemed  Devil  and  still blame  him being my  enemy.

I  am not  sure.

Devil  is  a mirror  and  I  saw  my reflection  in  him.

Now  I  am  sure  he  is  my  best friend  and  I am 100%   sure.

Devil  is   God’s  gift  to  me , to help  me to become  self  aware.

With  self  awareness     I  discovered my  CREATOR  and  TRUE LOVE.

Now  I  love  my  worst  enemy  ME    and  I have  no enemy.

Now  I  understand  what it means Love your enemy so you  will  have  no enemy.


Comments   by  J  C


Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on February 17, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

If  you  crack  a  religous  nut it  will  explose   killing  everyone.

If  you  crack  spirtual nut    you  will   find  the recipe how to dufuse

that  bomb  without cracking  the religous nut


Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on February 15, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Long  time  ago     a  6  year  old    girl  claime  that  she  talk  to  GOD  on  regular  bases.

People  start  coming  to  her   with their problem  and  she    aks  God  and  tell  them    the  solution

of  their  problems  and  every one  live heavenly life.

The  local Priest  got  very upset   becuase no one  come to  him.

So  he  came  to  the  girl   and  said  Please   ask  God  what    confession  I  made last  week.

She agreed  to   it   and  later  told  the  priest   God  told  her   thatGOD had  forgiven  and  forgotten,  and  advise  him  to  do  the same.

Also tell  him    to  start talking  directly  to  him  instead  of  asking  the girl.

Block  all  senses  and  God  will  grant you  6th  sense    and  you  can  talk see  and  hear  GOD.


Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Life  is  worth  living,  when  I love the ones and keep loving,

without  getting any love in return, but hate   in return.

If otrhers  can not  stop  hating  me , there  is no way I  will  stop  loving the.

This  is  one battle  I can not afford to lose.


Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Being  humble  and equaly  courteous  to  every one  regardless   that person is

my  boss  on my  subodinate,  disrespect me, mistreat me, respect me,

treat me  well   is   sign of  being a  spirtial  person.


Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

I  must  respect   the  person  who  disrespect   me , that person   has  the courage to show me

mirror   to show  me what  I  have earned    and  reminding  me  do my  home work.

I  must  treat  a  person   with respect and  kindness   who mistreat  me   reminding of

my  shortcomings   and  is  my true  friend.

Those  kind of  people   I  used  to  judge,  they taught me   they  are there  to  teach me a lesson  when

I  learn my lessons,  they  do become  my  best  friends  realazing they  were   were  my best friends  but I  was  unaware.

I thank  them   to help  me live  a  heavenly life.


Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on February 14, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »


Devil  is hate

Love  is life.

Hate  is  self destructive

Peolpe who hate me the most ,  need  my love the most.

People who love me I must love them more.

When Your love is more then  others hate will be  win/win deal

The  day  I  truely love  more  than the devil hates me, devil  will  turn into Lucifer.




Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on February 9, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Every  human   have  their  side  of  the  story.

I  used  to have  my  side  of  the  story, and  some times   it  keep  changing, but

I was  never  happy  with myself  and  others.

I  realized   I   can not trust my  side or  any other  side  of  the  story, because  each   has  partial trutrh

never the  whole  truth.

I concluded that  I   should  no   have  my side of the  story,  just pay attention  to  others  side  of  the  story  and  gather

wisdom   from  them.

To my  surprise   God    start reveling    HIS  side  of  the  story  the true  story   to me,  and  I  realized  God  talked  to  me  through

every  human  and  I  am  thankful  to  each  human   to help me   to  find peace  with myself  , others  and  GOD

Listen  and  learn  from  everyone   and  you  will  find  the   truth.