June 28 2016

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on June 28, 2016 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

What  I  learned    from  my  dad  I  used    the same  technique   to  my patient.

Mother  brought  16  y  old   boy  and  was yelling  at  him  asking  me to tell  him  to stop using  drugs.

I  requested   the  mother   to let me handle  him.

I   looked  at the  boy  and  said    I  reviewed  chart   you  are a great   student,  good  grades,  you  are  doing lot better

than   I  was  at  16,  Mom  and  son   staring  at me.

I  continued   You  are  doing    so  well  in this  day  and  age, I am  so proud  of  you.

He  smiled  at  me. I   Posed  a  question  Do  you use  drugs,  He was  not expecting that and  spontaneously said


Her  mother  stood  up    why  you  was  lying  to me that you  do not  use  drugs.

I  requested  to  the  mother    Please  do not  interrupt.  and  promised  to  do  so.

I  asked    the  Boy  Do  you  know  what  you need?

Kick  in the  butt    Boy replied

I  said  no  you need   hug  and  kiss

I  grabbed  him  and  kissed   on  his forehead

He  resisted  for a moment  and  put  his  head on  my  shoulder  and  start  crying.

Her  Mom  stood  up   and  yelled  Are  you trying  to tell the  Doctor that  I  am a  bad Mom.

and  stormed  out  of the room.

Boy continued  to  cry  for  a moment   and   really  opened   up  and  told  me  his  story.

Which  was  so sad    but very  typical.  I  comforted  him   and  make  an appointment   in 1  week.

Next  day  her  Mom  came  to see  me    and  I  explained   when kids do something  bad  they feel the guilty

always   use  reverse phycology.   take the  responsibility   and  live them  with guilt  and  it  works  most  of the time.

6  months  later  and  mom  told  me  proudly    that  he is  not using   drugs  any more.

My father  did  to me  and  I  did  to   my patient  and  it  worked,

Try  it   It may  work  for  you.




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