Aughust 8 2016

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on August 8, 2016 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Devil     D stand  for  dead  .

Devil  is  nothing   but  dead Evil.

Evil  is  nothing   but  Live    spell  backward.

Devil  need   human  flesh  to  do    his  dirty  work.

Devil  know  humans  for millions  of   years.

Human s  has  the  flesh  and  powelful feelings.

Humans   has  the capability  to accomplish  any thing.

That  make  humans  the  supreme  creation.

Healthy  humans  has  healthy feelings    is  live  heavenly life.

Devil  play  with humans  feeling  and  the major  tools   he uses  are  sex  drugs,money power  few  of many.

Devil  wants   the human feeling   become  the master    and  do  sins and  become captive of  devil.

Devil  trick us  to do nice things   and  mean  things both of them  are very toxic.

Unless   nice things  done  in  secret  and  completely  forgotten,  and   nice thing  done  to me  remembered  for ever.

remembering  mean  things   other  did  to me  ,    means things I  did  to  other and  become  the advocate  against  it.

Thankful  to  the people  who did  mea things to me  and  help me  to be who I am

Healthy  humans always  do the  right things  and  stay living  heavenly life.

Doing  nice things   not only cost a lot,   usualy  stop  the growth of  others  and paid   with  grief.

Life  become  a living hell.

Moral    Always   do the  right  things  and  live  heavenly  life.

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