
Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on July 18, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

I know  I  have  one  live  to  live.

But  I  can  relive  my past  as  many  time  as   I  want and  keep  learning

from my past.

I  discovered   that I  been  my  worst enemy and  I  was  never  aware  of  that,

and I  was  loving   the wrong enemies.

Now  I  am aware   that I am  my worst enemy, and  start loving  myself,  which  turned  out  the most

difficult  task of  my  life.

I   like   to  sign  treaty  with  myself  and  I  promise  to  live  by the  rules.

My  past  was  a  goldmine,   now  it  turn into  pure  gold.

Now  I  know   golden    future  is waiting  for  me.

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