Lesson #1 Healing tip for the soul #14

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on June 30, 2013 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail  of healing   101  continues

Each human is  a actor and  is a  drama in itself

I am the main character of my drama.

Off couse I  did not pick up my parents, sublings and other characters in my life.

* At present I have   some  choices to  want someone in my life  and I do not want some

in my life.

Same way others   may  want and spome do not want me to be in their life.

Now I know my  main role is to serve God.

My life  must revolve around God.

Any character God choose to be part of my  drama or  me part of their drama, Not

only I must  be very happy, also  do my best performace  to recieve my award.


PS:  My  past’s t poor performace is reminder from  God, struggle of today is a test

from  God so I   will   receive my reward  tomarrow.

Addendum: Now I know  that God has chosen   and custom made my role.

I may feel it was hard  or is hard at times easy at times, calanged  at times,

I must know God is perfect, and my understaning may be defective.

I must enjoy  and be happy  with what ever I  have  and what ever I have to do.

NOTE: God is transcript write as well  as incharge of whole show.

I must look up to God  for direction.

God will aloow   and give  me the ability to do w

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