Lesson #1 Spirtual healing tip 27

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on February 2, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of spirtual healing 101 continues

*Humans  area created  in the best form, and

send here which is a boot camp.

*Goal is  walk on a pure path,   boots  must  stay clean and pure,

and I will  raech my destination. Heaven.

*If I notice that my path is not pure, or my boots are not pure or clean,

I can get new pair of boots, and start my path on  pure straight path.

*   Boot  supply is limitless  and it is never too late, to get on  straight path.


PS: Finding the pure straight t path and staying on it  is road to paradise.

Addendum: Boots  are the faith,(keep it pure &strong), Rightous deeds are the

work and   HEAVEN  is the paycheck.



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