Lesson 1 Trail of spirtual healing #80

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on June 20, 2015 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail  of  spiritual healing  101  continues

Special    thanks  to  two very special  persons  are great inspiration to everyone   and to me , Pat Botti

and Shannon Quigley  inspired  me  to write this healing  tip.

Once upon  a time  there a  righteous  king.

On  the main gate  there  was  a   huge  board with   this writing.



One day  a prisoner was present to him.

The  prisoner said  to the king”  I am  not  righteous  and I am in prison,

which  kind  of  paradise  is that.  You are  king , live in a palace  which kind  of prison is that.

King  said”  My prison  is  lot  more difficult than yours.  I   wish   to be in prison,

so I can   worship  24/7 and  be with my  CREATOR 24/7.

But  LORD choose  me  to serve  my  time  as a king  and I must     serve my time  well,

by serve  LORD’s  creation   and  earn my blessings   and   may be able

to go back  home  (heaven)   otherwise I will end  up in hole.(Hell)

My prison  is  lot  more difficult than yours.

Then  he advised the prisoner    Lord  has  given  you  an opputunity to

reflect  and  serve your  time well this   not only  the  prison may turn  into heaven

you will go back home (real heaven)


PS: We  all are   serving life term,  I can earn my blessing  by serving others, and

earn my freedom  from self  not for self  and live  a free  pure life.

Addendum   Follow  the rules  in this world(prison) and the destination will be paradise here  and hereafter.

If any does not follow the rules,  their  paradise may  turn  into prison and the destination  may be hole (hell).

NOTE: For  a  righteous person  prison  may be   paradise  heading for   real paradise , for a criminal  is  prison and may be a living  hell here  heading   for  real prison (Hell)

Any one  can take  a  U turn and become  paradise  bound, not only it is  legal   it is highly recmonded.


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