Lesson #1 Healing tip for the soul #83

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on June 27, 2015 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail  of  spirtual healing  101  continues

Human  life begins at the begining  of  4th week gestation, begining  with  the heart beat.

The difference betweel  the human heart  and  animal heart is that human heart  has  a

spiritual heart   along  with the physical heart.

Lord reside  in  spiritual   heart  and Lord  is  soul guard.

Brian  development    is much later. Heart    function  as a unit  without   the   brain.

Both  hearts  need    healthy nutrition  prayer  is  the nutrition  for  healthy heart.

Till delivery   both  hearts depend upon  the mom state  of  physical & spirtual  health.

After  delivery  till  age  25  surrounding   and up bringing  has major  impact on the

on the physical  and    spirtual  health of the person.

Awareness  that  I  do have a  spirtual  heart is the  crucial.

without  awareness   I may live my life  and  die   without  knowing  that I have  a spirtual  heart  and

live  a animal like  life.

Animals  also  have personalities   and traits  like humans.

I may live  a life of  a pig,   cow  bird  or any animal depend  the traits   I have.

With awareness  I  will    feed   my spirtual heart  and    become  a spitual  being.

and  live   a  true  live  instead  of  occupying  space    and serve a lower  purpose than the

purposeful  life   I     can live.


PS: Choice is  mine   reflect and become aware  and  live  peaceful  healthy life   or  not.


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