Healing Tips for the Mind, Body & Soul #5 Part 2

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on January 2, 2016 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail   of  healing  101   begins       For  Jan  5th   2016


Dr Shaikh,

You are my friend as well as my physician.  The book “Healing Tips” is a plethora of information.  Many talks we’ve shared over the years have brought to light and many pieces of advice for both of us.  As Ben Franklin once said, “Something well done is better than well said”

You know a spiritual problem can’t be fixed by a physical (worldly) solution.  The man with all the worldly goods and no spirituality is still bankrupt!

The Body, Mind and Spirit needs to be “fed” equally.  Thus starving one will surely sicken ALL!  With that my Doctor, friend and mentor, I close.

John Cavalier

P.S.  At times we must lose sight of the comfort of shore to find and explore new oceans.

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