Healing Tip #95

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on December 27, 2015 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Letter from John Cavalier –

Dr. Shaikh,

You are my friend as well as my physician.  The book “Healing Tips” is a plethora of information.  Many talks we’ve shared over the years have brought to light and many pieces of advice for both of us.  As Ben Franklin once said, “Something well done is better than well said.”

You know a spiritual problem can’t be fixed by a physical (worldly) solution.  The man with all the worldly goods and no spirituality is still bankrupt!

The Body, Mind and Spirit needs to be “fed” equally.  Thus starving one will surely sicken ALL! With that my Doctor, Friend and Mentor I close.

Again, Thank You

John Cavalier

P.S.  At times we must lose sight of the comfort of shore to find and explore new oceans.

Lesson #1 Healing tip for the soul # 95

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on December 19, 2015 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail  of  healing  of the  soul  101  continues

Angels  are created   and  programed  as  a robot    and operated  by  the LORD  100%

Lucifer  was  created    as  a robot  with  a chip  of   free  will.

Lucifer submitted   his  will to the LORD  and  become   chief of   angels.

Best Creation of that  time.

Then LORD  created   Humans    the best of the best creation ,     as  a robot  with

2 extra chips,   free will  chip  and   repent  chip.

Regardless  how  many time    commit  sins ,  one   sincere   repentance  will make

again   best of the best.



Lesson #1 Healing tip for the soul #94

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail   for  the  healing    soul   101  continues

I hear   it  all the  time, ” I    am  thankful   I  am better off  then lot of people”

When I reflected  ” True  I  am blessed  but  I can not say  that I am better  off  than anyone”

Everything   is  a  blessing,  Sickness  is  a blessing,  so  is  health.

Wealth  is  a  blessing ,  so  is  poverty.

Youth  is  a blessing   so  is old  age.

If  I  earn   a grain  of faith,   regardless  what  I am blessed  with, I  will live heavenly  life   with no fear  and  no grief.


PS:    With out  faith   anyone   will live  in fear,  and  have  grief   regardless  how  powerful, rich and  strong   that person look outwardly.

Lesson #1 Healing tips for the soul #93

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on December 13, 2015 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail  of  spirtual  healing   101  continues

Text  I  received   from Sierra  Uhrinek B.S, MBA  and  love  to share    with every one

Your  devotion speaks  volumes to me. When you  say that we are our own surgeons, and  we only cast the knife

upon ourselves,

It remind  me  of the self sacrifice we  must  do  in order to make  a  positive change.

When annuals bloom  in the sping  time, they only become stronger and more robust as they  are  pruned and  properly trimmed.

It seems that even  after the darkest times , we  can emerge  stronger, better and  wiser

Lesson #1 Healing tip for the soul #92

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail  of  spiritual  Healing    101   continues

What ever  I  see  and feel  is nothing  but  a dream within  a dream.

If  LORD  resides in me  LORD   will  show me the  beauty  in  everything  and  everyone .

I  will  feel  more   beautiful  and  all   I will   say.



PS:  Everything  and  everyone  is  created  by the LORD. LORD   is beautiful  and

the  products  are    beautiful, If  you believe me   and look into the mirror and  you  will

see   the stamp    MADE BY  LORD  WITH  PERFECT WISDOM.