Trail of spirtual healing 101 continues
Human life begins at the begining of 4th week gestation, begining with the heart beat.
The difference betweel the human heart and animal heart is that human heart has a
spiritual heart along with the physical heart.
Lord reside in spiritual heart and Lord is soul guard.
Brian development is much later. Heart function as a unit without the brain.
Both hearts need healthy nutrition prayer is the nutrition for healthy heart.
Till delivery both hearts depend upon the mom state of physical & spirtual health.
After delivery till age 25 surrounding and up bringing has major impact on the
on the physical and spirtual health of the person.
Awareness that I do have a spirtual heart is the crucial.
without awareness I may live my life and die without knowing that I have a spirtual heart and
live a animal like life.
Animals also have personalities and traits like humans.
I may live a life of a pig, cow bird or any animal depend the traits I have.
With awareness I will feed my spirtual heart and become a spitual being.
and live a true live instead of occupying space and serve a lower purpose than the
purposeful life I can live.
PS: Choice is mine reflect and become aware and live peaceful healthy life or not.
Trail of spiritual healing 101 continues
Special thanks to a very special young beautiful girl with a beautiful soul because of hippa laws
lets call her Jane Smith that is not her real name.,
who is a great inspiration to me.
This is the letter she wrote me 6/25/2015
Dr Shaikh,
You’re book has taught me so much about unconditional love and forgiveness.
Your ability to see the good in everyone has left a lasting impression on me.
I’ve found myself troubled by wounds of the past unable to move forward and forgive.
You’re unwavering commitment to self growth and faith in people has helped me to release myself
from anger and resentment in order to move forward.
Through our visits and your teachings, I remember to see good in people.
Jane Smith.
She got more from that book than I did.
She is young with so much wisdom, I wish I have that wisdom.
What a beautiful letter, these words came through the clouds and provide hope
love and forgiveness.
If she can do this, what stops me doing the same?
PS: She should make the headline, instead of someone who killed some.
Media show us all negative , instead of positive in the society like this saintly girl.
Trail of spiritual healing 101 continues
Open question to all Americans
If today the is a election day , and the candidates for Presidency are Jesus VS Lucifer.
Whom you vote for? and why? ( optional)
Please vote circle the one you want JESUS LUCIFER NONE
To be qualified to vote for JESUS one must practice at least first commandment.
Jesus got 98% vote but only 1% qulaified
LUCIFER got 2% vote and become the President.
Trail of spiritual healing 101 continues
Special thanks to two very special persons are great inspiration to everyone and to me , Pat Botti
and Shannon Quigley inspired me to write this healing tip.
Once upon a time there a righteous king.
On the main gate there was a huge board with this writing.
One day a prisoner was present to him.
The prisoner said to the king” I am not righteous and I am in prison,
which kind of paradise is that. You are king , live in a palace which kind of prison is that.
King said” My prison is lot more difficult than yours. I wish to be in prison,
so I can worship 24/7 and be with my CREATOR 24/7.
But LORD choose me to serve my time as a king and I must serve my time well,
by serve LORD’s creation and earn my blessings and may be able
to go back home (heaven) otherwise I will end up in hole.(Hell)
My prison is lot more difficult than yours.
Then he advised the prisoner Lord has given you an opputunity to
reflect and serve your time well this not only the prison may turn into heaven
you will go back home (real heaven)
PS: We all are serving life term, I can earn my blessing by serving others, and
earn my freedom from self not for self and live a free pure life.
Addendum Follow the rules in this world(prison) and the destination will be paradise here and hereafter.
If any does not follow the rules, their paradise may turn into prison and the destination may be hole (hell).
NOTE: For a righteous person prison may be paradise heading for real paradise , for a criminal is prison and may be a living hell here heading for real prison (Hell)
Any one can take a U turn and become paradise bound, not only it is legal it is highly recmonded.
Trail of spiritual healing 101 continues
With self awareness and self love unhealthy person can become healthy and live happy and healthy life.
With self awareness and self purification sinner can become saint and live peaceful life.
With self awareness and sincere repentance even Lucifer can become the chief of angels again.
PS: Self awareness is the key to live a life of your choice.
If I know and love my body, I will eat healthy, exercise regularly, I will get good sleep.
Addendum: True healthy self awareness is a pay check.
Only can be earned by complete submission and worshiping to the LORD,
and LORD turn into spiritual being, and able to serve the creation unconditionaly
and may grant heavenly life on earth.
Trail of spiritual healing 101 continues
My patient are my heros
I gave my book to one of my patient and requested her to write me a letter.
and that is her letter.
Dear Dr Shaikh,
I am so blessed to have you as my doctor.
I leaned how to love me first.
When I start loving myself, everything start coming together.
I pray every day. I love God. God loves me
If you do the right things and do the work, god will help you find your way.
My son was disrespectful and mean to me, I start praying for him and GOD send him to prison
for 2 months.
Now he is a changed person. He has part time job, he is calm and I am so happy.
Your book helped me to keep my life in balance.
May God bless you
Your Patient
Trail of spiritual healing 101 continues
I have learned so much from other especialy the ones I least expected.
I work as a physician and well as a chaplan in local prison.
I come across Inmate who was there for a murder charge and he requested
a one to one visit. Due to security reasons I will call him JOE SMITH.
When I met him, I ask him Do you have a lawyer, He said No
I asked will you defend yourself He said No
What will you do? I asked.
Lord is my attorney and the judge what ever HIS decision is fine with me.
I was confused. I asked How you come up this decision?
All my life I was running away from Lord and every time I get into trouble,
I will pray and Lord will get me out of my trouble.
Can you give me a example? I asked
Last year I was on probation and I got a call from my probation officer that I have a hearing in the morning.
I got upset I had a job, I could not request to have day off, because office was closed.
He said you better come, Can I bring my wife, He inquired about her address and telephone number so he can do inquiry
I gave him the info .
When I got home my wife said that the probation officer called her and told her that the hearing is canceled.
I was confused. I went to hearing anyway.
There was a hearing I got angry and start yelling and screaming in the court and told the story.
Judge got upset and gave me 6 month sentence.
In the cell I prayed all night Lord Get me out of here, I realy do not want to be here.
Deep down I knew God made the right decision. I needed 6 month to work on myself.
Instead of being happy with Lord”s decision, I beg HIM to change His decision.
To my surprise I was released in the morning because judge verified my story.
Now I regret, I was not able to make enough money for my family and got involved in drugs
and end up killing and end up here but I learned my lesson.
What you do all day? I asked I pray 17 hours sleep 7 hours, I worship and pray 17 hours and some time I pray
in my dream.
I have peace with GOD. If I go on death row my routine will not change till I die
If I get life my routine will not change.
I was in a state of shock.
I was looking at a spiritual being, not a human being.
He was already with GOD .
I wish I will a spiritual being like him.
If Lucifer will get to know him Lucifer will bow down to him.
Trail of spiritual healing 101 continues
From Arif M Shaikh M.D.
To: Lucifer confused Ex Chief Saint
Dear Lucifer, I read your letter, as a physician I see that
you are sick and need a good Doctor.
I will treat you free, because I have learned so much from you.
I am not better than you, Lord only knows who is better ?
LORD is the only judge.
You committed the original sin, disobed Lord and refuse to bow down.
Instead of repenting which is universal antidote to all issues, you thought you
are wiser than Lord. That is not correct.
I can feel your pain, but you have created your pain, and bringing pain to all humans.
My recmondation is to try my priscription, if you do not get the desired effects,
100 % money gurantee no questions asked .
Rx is sincere repentance.
You have nothing to loose, and it may be win win for everyone.
There is a inmate in prison for murder charge, for security reason I will call him Inmate Joe Smith LP 4200
contact him, he is lot better than you, if you get
to know him you will bow down to him and put to a end to this suffering you are craeting.
any questions please contact me or visit on my web site WWW.SCHOOLOFTRUEKNOWLEDGE.COM
Sincerely Yours.
Arif M Shaikh M.D.
Orignal signature on file
PS: Remember every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. In your case you had a great past but no future
unless you repent.
Note: Doctor patient relationship good doctor listen to patients verbal , non verbal and to the talk,
Patient will tell the Doctor what is wrong with the Patient, and Dr continue to listen, Pt will tell the Doctor what to do, and Doctor keep listening carefully, Pt will tell you what is wrong with the Doctor.
Thank you Lucifer telling me what is wrong with me, Please send me the bill for your value able services, I sure owe you a lot.
Wish you all the best what ever you choose to do.
Trail of spiritual Healing 101 continues
From Lucifer the Great ( Ex Chief saint) Ruler of the world
Master of Most Humans.
TO: To the Lord
CC: all Humans
Tip #73 was a open letter to all human From the LORD.
One of my slave human showed me that letter and I can not stop laughing.
I agree Lord is all powerful, all merciful but with due respect I disagree that He is all wise.
I told HIM that humans with create blood shed, commit sins and will cause suffering,
Lord you not only disagreed with me YOU asked me to bow down to human.
I only bow down to you MY LORD.
I could not understand YOUR wisdom then, I still do not understand it.
Innocent people are suffering, kids are dying, sickness , diseases suffering pain, fighting
It break my heart, and YOU send flood earth quake and all kind of diasters.
I told YOU this will happen.
Face it LORD I am better than human.
If I find one human better than me I will gladly bow down to that human,
I am sorry LORD I have not find any human who I feel is better than me yet.
I am assigned a dirty job to lead people stray, that is the easiest job, they do my job even better than me.
and I am a bad guy. Where is justice? where is wisdom?
I know on the day of judgement YOU have to apology to me, but I do not need YOUR apology, You are
my LORD. I do not want to be humiliated in front of every one.
I will willing to forgive you MY LORD, have mercy of humans.
I want to be in your company again , I miss it so much.
LORD humans are nothing but trouble and root of all evil.
Lord have mercy and put an end to this non sense.
Trail of spiritual healing 101 continues
Human being are born innocent and pure.
Envoirment and their up bringing can turn into saints,
scientists schlours , dick heads, ass holes, jack asses and pussy holes.
But each human being has a choice to reflect.
Return to Lord , Repent, Repeating repentace till feel forgiven, and start doing the righteous deeds, till become pure and innocent again.
Then transform to the one you was meant to be and serve the purpose you was meant to perform and live
pure heavenly life.
PS: GOD has created humans with perfect wisdom, know GOD transform and live perfect heavenly life.