
Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on March 23, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

A person  who does nit  forgive  others is  punishing himself or  herself

has  no self  love.

This  a    very self destructive.


Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Expect  the  worse  from others  and  wish  them the  best.

You  will never  be  disappointed, may  be pleasantly  surprised  at times.  🙂


Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on March 22, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Pleasure  of  unhealthy love  lasts  a moment, with long  term consequences.

Pleasure  of healthy  love    last   for ever   with  rewards  and  joy.


Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on March 20, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

The  primary  function  of a  human to  nuture  the  soul to  become  a  spirtual  being.

Healthy nuturing of  the  mind  and  body is  a  by product of  being a  spirtual  being.


Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on March 18, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

The  way  I   see  it

This  world  is a  prison  and  everyone  is  serving  life term.

some  of  us get  conviucted and  go  to  prision  (  which  is a  prison  with in a  prison)

To me   I  found them blessed  because  are  they are paying the  price    by  serving  time.

More  I  try  to  serve  them  more  blessing   I  earn   and  can feel it.

Inmate  in  prsions   are   easier   to deal than  in inmates outside  the prison.



Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Story  of  a  80  years    old  Inmate

when I  was  23  ,   I  was  attacked  by  a robber,  I fought back

and  robber end  up  dead.

I  got  scared  and  ran  away, to another state  and  become  a  priest.

I  was  priest  for  50  years.

I  was  living   peaceful life  but the  guilt    often bothered me.

Finally I  broke  down  and  report  to the  authorities.

I  am  in  jail  but I  am  truly free,  knowing  that I  will  meet  my  maker  with  clean slate.


Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Special   thanks   to a  inmate  for  sharing   this   tip

When I  reflect    in my  lonely  dark  cell,   I  see  the  light   and   all  my  life  as  a  film.

Growing  up,  I  was  the  victim, was  abused  physically, mentally, sexually   for a long time

I  accepted  it  as  normal. I  started  submitting   and  enjoying it.

Later   on  in  life, ,  I  start  abusing  others  in the same way.

When I turned  30, the beasts  were  no longer  interested  in my  beauty,  so  the  beast

within me wanted the beauty in others. I did  the very same  things  to  others, and  never felt  any  guilt, no guilt at all.

I felt  I  have a  beast   and  beauty in  me.

I got charged   with   child  molesting, rape   and  many  other charges  and  got  life  sentence.

Only option  I  had  to  reflect.

I  discovered  a  WILD  BEAST  AND   CORRUPT  BEAUTY  WITH  IN .


Guilt  was  a  great  blessing,  I felt  bad    so bad  I  wished  I  be  dead..

My  demons    beast  and  beauty   were  captive  and  they  hated  it  but  I  found  peace.

I  found GOD  and  ask    for help.

With  the  help of  GOD  I  was  able  to tame  my  beast  and  I  start  enjoying  worship.

I start  repenting  and  my  beast  was  able to see the  beauty  with in.

My  inner   beauty    fall  into  love  with  the  beast  with in    and  transformed  into a  spiritual being

I fall  in  love  with  GOD.

I  am   with honey moon   with  GOD.

I never  felt  the  joy  ,peace  satisfaction  I has now.

My  flesh  is  yearning for God,   My  soul  is  thirsty  for  GOD.

I  am  transformed  to  a  spiritual being  and  I  love  it and  wish   I  can  relive my

life   sin  free  life

All I  can  do   is  to  repent worship  and  pray  for  everyone.  🙂




Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on March 16, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Soul   is  the  cargo     and  human body   is a  vessel.

When  heart  mind  and  body  are  in  stete  of  worship,

that vessel  become  soul.

Any  human stay  in the state  of worship 24/7.

GOD  become  the  driver  of  that    spirtual being. and  that person   will  serve  the  purpose

and  live  heavenly life


Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on March 13, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

I  very  successful  person   told   me  that  he  graduated   from  the  best   University.

I  asked    which  one   and  he replied   Camp  Hill  University.

I  never  heard of  that  university.  I  said

Some  people  call  that  Camp Hill  Prison   he replied.

For  other  it  is  a  prison   for  me  it    is   a  university ,  I  spend   10  years   and  I  reflected

and  studied  and   end   learning  so much  about  myself    and  learned  construction.

No  one  can  match  my  quality  and  price.

I  was not  arrested  but  rescued    other wise  I  would  be  dead.

Now   I  love   learn  and  thankful  to  everyone.




Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on March 12, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Each  human  being  has   primary    personality, Pure  clean  heavenly.

We  developed   secondary   personality,   which  is  mostly  leaned  personality.

Secondary  personality  has  liking   for  some  and  disliking  for   some.

Primary  personality   love  everyone and every thing,  learn  from  everyone  and  everything

thankful  to everyone  and every thing  and  live heavenly  life   followed by eternal life.