♥ Spend time with your loved ones.
♥ Appreciate yourself and your accomplishments.
♥ Eat a balanced diet to help your mental well-being.
♥ Be kind to yourself.

)Seven steps 😇 of Transformation
1) complete self inventory.
2) unconditional self ❤️ love.
3) rebuilt first line of defense.
4) self purification.
5) profound understanding.
6) unconditional self forgiveness 💝
7) complete Transformation
God created human.
Each human also created their own god or become god . God who created me has unconditional love. If I worship the GOD who created me will grant me unconditional love forgiveness, profound understanding and transform me to spiritual being to live a heavenly life😇
I have a free will as well as seven deadly traits . With Self awareness I must give up my free will to higher power to stay free and live free and full spiritual heavenly life other wise I will turn into rat 🐀 race from human race.
PS: True freedom is not self freedom but freedom from self.
Devil 👿 see evil in every one but do not see the evil within. Spiritual being see Angel in Devil 👿 and see the Devil within and learn from Devil not to listen to the Devil 👿 within .
I cannot change the world.
I can change the universe with in
and will cause universal impact
Saint sees perfection in everything and everyone and see self imperfection .
Quantity of matter stay the same, but quality and form keep changing. With self awareness my quality of life keep improving , more peaceful , less negativity , more positivity , I will see more and more opportunities and keep loving 🥰 it.
2023 is year of Spiritual revolution. Time for self discovery, self purification and freedom from self and turn into spiritual being and live heavenly life.😇

Long time ago there was a Princes 🫅. She was so beautiful 😻, everyone call her Beauty. Not only she was beautiful, she was most righteous and was spiritual being 😇. In that kingdom there was a man he so evil 👿 that everyone call him Beast. Lot of people came to princes to marry the princesses. She used to look into the eyes of the man and will say you are not my soulmate. One night Beast went to place climbed the wall and entered Princess bedroom, with the intention to rape her. Princess looked straight into his eyes, Beast was shocked, how fearless she is, and to his surprise Princess asked him to take off his mask and he did. Princess said you are my soul mate, will you marry me. Beast froze. Guards cam in and arrested the Beast in put him in prison. In the morning Princess went to see Beast and told him Only Man I will ever Mary will be you. Beast said I am the most sinful criminal man on earth. I do not deserve to marry you. Princess said I will wait till you change your mind. Will you permit me to visit you everyday. Beast agreed to this arrangement. King was furious but Princes said he is my soulmate long before we were born. Every day Beast tell her about the crimes he had committed. Prince explained you was spiritual being like me , when you got into human body was taken over by the Devil. You search your soul and we will rescue your soul which is actually mine too. WE will be our soul mate for ever. They prayed together repenting . Prison System allowed him to train dogs for the blinds and let him help Hospice and dying patients. He become the most compassionate Inmate al all other Inmate becoming like him. People start calling the prison the paradise. While Princes was doing the same for female Inmates and they become Spiritual being. When King heard that he released the beast and Princes got married with her Prince Charming. After Kings Death they become King and Queen and people called that a heavenly KINGDOM.
PS: When I see in me I see a beast and angel. What I want to be is my choice.