
Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on March 10, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Forgiving  others   are very  difficult.

Self  reflection becoming  self aware of  my  sins, understanding why I  did those  sins

learning  from my mistakes and promise to myself  never  to commit  those sins  is  even

more  difficult.

Confession is the hardest, incredibly hard, painful  to  admit my sins and  ask  for  forgiveness.

Forgiving  other  will  be easier if I remember  my sins.

Hardest  of  all   to  forgive myself and  love myself the most knowing all my short comings and ask

others  for  forgiveness without judging them.

I can  do   all that if I love myself the most,   knowing if I   do not , I well be the one  suffering  the  most:)


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