June 6 2016

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on June 5, 2016 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Yesterday  I  saw   a  movie  ZOOTOPIA     with  my  son   and  wife.

This  remind  me  of   the  story  I  told  my  daughter  who also wanted  to  hear a  story,

and  want  me to make  a story no one has  ever heard  and  the main character have  to be a female.

So I  told  her   the story  of Deer  King

Long  time  ago  there  was  a  middle  age female   Deer  single   Mom   with  3  kids   and  her  was  eaten up

by  the Lion King.

She reflected   and  realize  that it  is  time  for   action.

She  declared  that  she  in  the  king of  jungle  and    challenged  daval   with Long King.

On  appointed  time  every one  was  surprised  how  well  Deer  was  prepared.

Lion keep  attacking   but  Deer  was  too fast  for  him.

He  was huffing , puffing  and  sweating.

Deer  ran  in the jungle  and  jumped  over a  big    ditche  she  had  made  to trap  the  Lion.

Lion  fall  into  the ditche   and  become the captive  of   Deer.

Deer  king    made the  consitition    of  the  jungle.

No  animal  was  allowed  to kill  or  hurt anyone  in any form of  shape

The    criminal   put in the ditche   with  hungry  Lion inside.

The  was  peace    in the  Jug le .

My  daughter  declaed  she  will  be  a king  one  day.



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