July 8 2016

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on June 8, 2016 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

My father  was   very unusual man.

when  I  was  23    I  was walking  with  him   and  man  met us  and  start talking to my  dad  and  I felt he  was very

disrespetful  to  my  dad.

SO I    confronted  him  and  said  Sir     You  do not have  the manner  how  to talk  to may dad.

My Dad intervened  and  said   Please  forgive  and  pray  for my  boy  he just just do not  know   what

a  wonderful man you  are.

I  was  furious   but kept my mouth  shut.

After ward  I  confronted my  dad  and  said  people   like  you  cause  problem  for others,  and  people  like than man  will

keep  disrespeting  other people  and  this  is all  your faulkt.

My father smiled   and  said  do  you thoink  you can teach him  the menner.

I said  no    but  he  should be told.

Then  he posed  another  question  why  he disrespected me?

He  is a mean person  I  replied

He  said   I beg   to  disagree    with  you . We  are not  judges. Every  thing happen  for  a  reason

How  do  we  know the  reason,  Reflect  and  I  know  that   God  send  him  to  remind  me that  I  have  to earn respect   .

He  was  a post  man  or  messenger  of  God  to remind me  to get  my  get act together  and  I  am  so thankful  God  has

granted me  a son like  you  who love me so much.

I  could  not  understand  his logic    and  felt  it is hopeless   to talk to him  any further.

To my surprise  couple weeks  later  same  man      brought   a   big basket   of  fruit  and  said  to me  This  is  for  your father  not  for  you.

I  did  not  understood then  but  I understand now  what my father  was trying  to teach me.


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